Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Floriade and a Funeral

Last week one of my dearest and oldest friends lost her mother to breast cancer. She is also 35 weeks pregnant and I was as devastated as she was that her mother never got to meet or hold her first grandchild. So the boys and I packed a few things and jumped on a plane to Canberra. Thankfully, my two little frequent flyers were thrilled as they got to spend some quality time with Grandma while I spent time with my friend.

Even "Richard" is a frequent flyer now!

Despite it being such a sad time for me in Canberra, it was such a lovely time to be visiting. Canberra is in the midst of Floriade, although I do think that my parents garden rivals Floriade in places. In the past their garden has been open to the public as part of the Open Garden Scheme but now my parents just work on it for their own pleasure (and ours!).

The boys gathered daffodils and other bulbs to make the most gorgeous bouquet to give to my friend.

The blossoms were spectacular. All over Canberra fruit trees and ornamentals are in full bloom and the fragrance in the air was delicious.

The tulips, always divine and so sophisticated looking compared to the rest of the bulbs!

RIP Maggie.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The afternoon walk to the waterfall.

Every afternoon I have to exorcise exercise my children in order to make witching hour as pleasant as possible for all of us. We either ride our bikes around the "wetlands" ( a nearby nature reserve) or walk to the waterfall. The pathway to the falls is just down the road from our street:

The little one insists on bringing his pooh bear and blankie:

After a few minutes of walking the pathway is so enveloped by ferns and palms that you can imagine you are in the lush tropics (not in the middle of suburbia!):

Until suddenly the darkness of the rainforest abruptly ends and you discover the magic of the falls.

                                                               It is a little boys paradise!

One of Sydney's secret gems (and one of my best parenting tools, begone witching hour!!!)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Warning: those squeamish about earthworms look away now!

This morning we made a worm farm....

There has recently been some unhelpful digging in the garden. We have read the brilliant Roald Dahl's James and the Giant Peach several times now and I have some suspicions that the Captain might be planning to try and catch some seagulls. So in order to prevent any further garden destruction,unnecessary worm slaughter and to put a quick end to any harebrained schemes, I have purchased a worm farm for him to observe a handful of worms under supervised conditions.

Simply sifting the dirt to remove large lumps kept him occupied for ages. Thank you worm farm! (note to self: must go back and purchase ant farm):

Layering the dirt and sand levels:

His favourite bit:

If you look closely you will see a worm tunneling to safety on the left. Smart worm! You will thank me in the long run worm, for many worm lives have been saved!

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Garden Swing

Ever since childhood I have had a hankering for a swing in the garden. As a child living in India I was kindly given a copy of Robert Louis Stevenson's A Child's Garden of Verses. My imagination was promptly inspired by this lovely verse:

The Swing

How do you like to go up in a Swing?
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!

Up in the air and over the wall,
Till I can see so wide,
Rivers and trees and cattle and all
Over the countryside--

Till I look down on the garden green,
Down on the roof so brown--
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down!

As soon as we saw the garden at this house, R and I both knew that this was going to be our next home. We were so enamoured with the house and the garden that we actually made an offer to the agent at that first open house and had it accepted the following day! Thank you to my lovely dad for making me the swing and to my wonderful husband for risking his life to get it into the tree! Two wonderful Fathers! Happy Father's Day to all!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

This child...

Every night before I go to sleep I go and check on my sleeping babies. The slightly damp curls and the soft peacefulness of their faces and breathing normally generates surges of love that overwhelm. Often I even feel guilty for whatever punishments have been actioned during the course of the day. Last night at the bedtime check I found him like this:

Yes. Completely. Naked. Apart from his muslin blankie that he had somehow managed to artfully drape in order to preserve dignity. Oh he looks like an angel, but the mischief of this child!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Street Shopping

I adore Council Clean Up! Truly someone else's trash is often my treasure! I know how much my street scavenging irritates my husband though, so in the car as we make our way through a neighbourhood that is having Council Clean Up, I very discreetly move my eyes over the piles of inviting treasure rubbish until I spot something that has potential. I am then forced to abandon reserve and screech "STOP THE CAR!!!" at my husband. A mad dash follows, incase one of the dodgy old men in trucks gets to the must-have item before I do. Then there is either joy (from me) as I lug the item back to the car and insist we take it home and excessive eye rolling (from husband) as he futilely attempts to prevent me from taking my treasure home! Or there is disappointment (from me) when I approach the item and discover it is damaged beyond repair or not actually what I thought it was, and annoying smug looks (from husband) as he is delighted that the item truly was rubbish. As much as my love for Street Shopping annoys my husband, he is forced to admit that I have found some gems over the years and this is my most recent wonderful find:

I love it!

NB. Please disregard ugly 1980s fabric on the cane lounges. These are yet to be re-upholstered and I have decided to wait until after we finish renovating to have them done. Researching outdoor fabrics in the meantime though!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


We have just got back from 4 days away! Best snow that I have seen in NSW since I was a little tacker learning to ski and I can't begin to describe how adorable the Captain looked rugged up like the Michelin man and snow ploughing (or pizza slicing as he called it) with his mates in ski school. Too divine!


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