The little guy just turned seven and to celebrate his birthday, we recently hosted a Brave Knight's Birthday party. His school just did a unit on Knights, Castles and Fairy Tales and I believe this might have inspired his theme of choice. He certainly has a passion for Knights and Castles now.
He chose the "Fleur de Lis" ("We learnt about the Lily in Italian at school Mummy!" The indignant response when I asked how he knew what the Fleur de Lis signified) and the Phoenix for the banners.
The nearly 10 year old had to be persuaded to participate, refused to wear his Knight's costume, insisted on wearing his beloved Hawaiian shirt, claimed it was all going to be boring and in the end had the time of his life!
So, at seven, H you are still my darling baby (and always will be!). You are well read. Current favourite books are The Famous Five series, Roald Dahl, Charlotte's Web and any Atlas, book about Birds and Wildlife or similar nature guide. The most well thumbed of these is The Reader's Digest Complete Book of Australian Birds which you leaf through regularly. Despite the fact that it probably weighs more than you do! It delights me no end that one of my children finally appreciates Enid Blyton and as a reward I permit you to read the original first editions. Books that I have spent most of my lifetime collecting and are extremely valuable collectable!
Your love of nature and the outdoors is limitless. You would rather be outside at all times. You rarely watch any television and have little interest in any screen time at all.
Your determination to win at all costs is alarming. You disgraced yourself at tennis lessons recently when you lost a game for the first time (against a boy much older than you!) and hurled your tennis racket over the fence. I wish I could say that you had witnessed this sort of behaviour on television, but as you rarely watch any I can't. This determination doesn't stop at tennis unfortunately, you are determined to be the best at everything you try. Your school report reflects this as does your track record at almost every sport you put your mind to.
Despite this determination and ambition you are the sweetest, most affectionate child. You are adored by everyone. Your best friend is Dexter. Your favourite colour is red. If you could be an animal you would be a lion. Your favourite sport is cricket. You are constantly practicing your bowling technique. Your favourite food is pasta. You are going to be a ski instructor when you grow up, indeed you managed to land your first 180 on your birthday last week! A pretty cool birthday present! Happy Birthday my darling boy.