Last night though, as I read the little one his bedtime story I had a bit of an "aha!" moment. The book I was reading to him was sending me a message, forget Simplicity Parenting and The Over Scheduled Child. No need to bother reading them. I hereby introduce you all to:
Yes, parenting with the Berenstain Bears.
In The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Pressure, Brother and Sister Bear have a hectic schedule with all sorts of extra-curricular activities.
Hmm... art class, check! Karate and Computer club, no but Science Club and Chess Club? Check!
Gymnastics and swimming, check!
No, ballet or horse riding classes (although The Captain has expressed interest in the latter as he knows Mummy is planning to take it back up), but we can also add:
Tennis, Fencing and Music.
...and the Bear Family how do they cope with all this? Well Papa makes a big planner to hang on the wall:
KikkiK calendar in the kitchen, check!
Does it end in tears?
After a family meeting the Bear Family decide that two after school activities each are enough. They each choose their two favourites. They then go back to doing "the everyday things that most families do. They worked and played, went to school, visited friends, enjoyed nature - and once in a while, they sat around doing absolutely nothing." Fabulous advice for us all really!