Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Tooth Fairy has paid us her first visit.

The Captain has lost the first two of his little baby fangs, interestingly the first two to make an appearance have been the first two to vacate the premises.  It has been a long time coming, he is the second last kid in his class to lose any teeth so he was starting to get a little antsy about it all, even requesting that we pay a visit to the Dentist to "check everything is ok?"  Which reminded me... he was the last baby in my Mother's Group to get teeth in the first place!

So on Monday morning when the first one finally fell out whilst he was getting dressed for school he was literally beside himself dancing around and squealing "aren't you proud of me Mummy?"  I took the opportunity here for a quick parenting lesson... "oh yes, so very proud darling but you make Mummy ever so proud when you are a good listening boy who is kind to his brother and" ... he lost interest in me about then and danced off....

Later that afternoon on our way home from swimming lessons the second little fang fell out in the car.  Oh my was he delighted with himself!  We then had to ring his Dad (in New Zealand) to share the excitement and then when we got home the teeth were very carefully placed under his pillow.

                                                              7:05pm his lights were out, bless him.

The tooth fairy brought him a lovely certificate that he can glue into his scrapbook to mark the occasion and she also reimbursed him for his gorgeous little fangs with a $5 note stamped with gold fairy dust, carefully folded up inside this little pouch.  The Captain is quite the fan of the tooth fairy now!  


  1. Oh a wonderful mile stone reached. I found a piece of paper with a tooth stuck to it that was sent home from school the other day. Obviously one that we forgot to put out for the fairy. It made my heart sing.
    PS Are you free for coffee tomorrow (Thursday). No pressure but it turns out I am!!!!

  2. Aww so exciting for them when they lose that first tooth! My H is very gummy at the moment!

  3. Yay good going N!! I love how excited they are when their teeth come out. Xav is looking rather goofy at the moment having lost his top two. So funny!

    Catch up soon. Maybe next week? Will text you! xxx

  4. Oh that is so exciting Emma and very cute of Nicholas going to bed so early:) And what a lovely gift for the tooth fairy to leave behind. xx

  5. Awe so exciting for him! Such a special time! I remember being so excited about the tooth fairy when I was a little girl.

  6. How precious, Em. Joshie recently lost his first two within days of each other. A huge milestone indeed! J x

  7. What exciting times!! And how funny both teeth fell out in the same day. Love the certificate :)



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