Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Conversations with the Captain...

This child, amuses and exasperates me simultaneously!!!

Driving home after dropping his Father at work:

Captain: Can I have car lessons?

Me: What do you mean? (Distracted and concentrating on annoying Sydney peak hour traffic)

Captain: You know, to drive the car.

Me: Driving lessons? What! No, certainly not! Not until you are 16 and 9 months.

Captain: Why?

Me: Because the people that make the decisions about who drives cars and when have decided that that is the safest time to learn how to drive.

Captain: How many years until I am 16 and 9 months?

Me: Umm, a lot of them.

Captain: Can I have two birthdays this year?

Me: What? No!

Captain: But then I can go in the Tour de France sooner and learn to drive cars!


  1. How funny...these things all seem so logical when one is that young!

  2. That cracks me up!! Can you imagine if you did let him drive... Oh man. Crazy boys. Pruxxx

  3. Classic! You need to record the drives for later.

  4. Wait till they get to 15 and start eying off the car-keys!

    Thanks for your comment too Emma.

  5. Oops, a writer who can't spell- I meant eyeing!!! ;-)



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